What is Search Engine Optimization ?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is organic set of practices to optimize your website or online content to improve its visibility on search engine result page(SERP). The primary goal of SEO is to increase non-paid traffic to website by improving its ranking for relevant search queries. SEO typically involve
- Keyword Research
- Content Creation and Optimizing
- Technical Optimization
- Link Building
Why SEO is Important ?
Every day over billion of search for information or product are conduct on google, To tack on this traffic source potential you need to appear in the top search result for your target keywords. SEO plays a key role in improving your ranking position. Better ranking means more traffic and more traffic means new customer and more band awareness.
Most Search Engine Result Page contain two type of result
SEO : To rank have to earn through Organic process
Pay Per Click (PPC) : To rank have to pay through Paid advertising
Why Integrate 360 as a SEO Service ?
At Integrate 360 we understand the critical role that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) play in enhancing online visibility and driving organic traffic, As leading SEO agency, we take pride in delivering tailored strategies that propel your business to the top in search engine result.